Espresso – The King of Coffees

Espresso is the basis for most of the coffee and milk based beverages on the menu. The product expenses are around 15 cents to make a shot of espresso, and about 35-40 cents to make a cappuccino, mocha or latte ? Obviously, staffing, location and equipment include a lot to the expense, but the low consumable expenses vs. high retail prices are among the main reasons many coffee bars are springing up in the areas across America.

Follow the link for the full article cool facts about espresso.

Espresso is just another approach by which coffee is brewed. There are various methods of developing coffee that include the use of a stove top coffee machine, percolator, French press (or coffee press), vacuum pot and others. Espresso is brewed in its own special method.

Espresso is a beverage that is produced by pressing warm water, between 192F and 204F, at high pressures, through a bed of carefully ground, compressed coffee. A normal single is roughly 1 to 1.5 ounces of drink, utilizing roughly 7grams (or 1 tablespoon) of ground coffee. A typical double is between 2 and 3 ounces, utilizing double the volume of coffee grounds. The shot is brewed for approximately 25 to 30 seconds, and the very same time applies to both a single or double shot (double baskets are larger, with more screen location, and the coffee streams quicker – single baskets limit the flow more, leading to 1.5 ounces in 25-30 seconds).

An espresso maker brews coffee pushing pressurized water near boiling point through a "compacted disk" of ground coffee and a metallic screen in order to brew a thick, focused coffee named espresso. The very first device for brewing espresso was built and patented in 1884 by Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy. Check this Twitter Moments collection for an in-depth introduction to the espresso machine.

⚡️ “How to Choose an Espresso Machine” by @coffeeblogger1

— Coffee Lover (@coffeeblogger1) February 28, 2021

Espresso is a well-known coffee-making method of Italian origins, where a small measure of nearly boiled water is shot under 9 bars of pressurized air through finely ground coffee beans. Espresso is made using a wide range of different coffee beans, and roast levels. The result is a unique coffee flavor, sometimes described as having a "rich" or "rounded" flavor. The term "espresso" literally means "in the form of". Today Espresso is commonly served in its most popular form: in a shot glass.

A Cappuccino is another delicious version of an Espresso. Where an espresso is made by forcing a small amount of water through coffee, a cappuccino is made by heating milk in a small pan until it's just barely warm enough to stir. Adding cream and sugar makes the milk melt, and the addition of chocolate makes for a delicious Cappuccino. While both are of Italian descent, they are not identical. A cappuccino is a much sweeter coffee drink, and a Cappuccino is used as a breakfast drink more than a day after the initial purchase.

With a steamer in your kitchen, it's easy to bring the best parts of Italy to your home. You can make some of your favorite beverages right at home, without traveling to Italy. A high quality espresso maker is a great investment for your home espresso machines, whether you enjoy it cold or hot. You'll never have to worry about running out of your favorite flavors when you can make them right at home, and creating your own personal crema to top off your beverages.

The full article, and more espresso preparation information at

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